Apr 20,2012
Like clockwork, panic always hits me the day before a flight. The list of “what ifs” plague my mind. What if I forget something important? What if I’m late? What if I end up sitting next to a leaner? What if they lose my baggage? My worries cause me to haul all my valuables in my carry-on, unsurprisingly also my heaviest items. Back breaker.
I have never been an oft-traveler. However my new job threw me into a traveling lifestyle that has given me little time to adjust. My boss on the other hand is the exact opposite when it comes to traveling. If he was the hard-boiled egg of traveling, I would be scrambled eggs, extra messy.
After traveling with this seasoned veteran a couple of times I have come to a conclusion for his surprisingly relaxed demeanor when traveling. Routine. He has done this routine so many times it has become mundane and given him immunity to the rigors of travel. There are always things during travel that could drive any human being crazy, but he plows through these obstacles with the power of a bulldozer. Routine is the key. I shall watch him closely to learn his ways.