Staying safe during pandemic time
Mar 19,2020
Basically been self-quarantining for two months already. Sending love and encouragement to all who are just starting. Keep washing those hands, and we will “hand in hand” get through these tough times. Wishing OurHome Vietnam, OurHome Australia and New Zealand, and also the Thailand fan club a very Happy Birthday! Thank you for your love and always believing in me!As soon as this crazy outbreak is over, we’ll be together again. from Facebook Post
Thanks everyone for your well wishes. Luckily, we’re all healthy here in Taipei (knock on wood). I bet lots of you are like me, got sick and got better, and don’t know what you had. In any event, what’s most important is for us to stay vigilant, and wage this long term war...hand in hand (washed, of course), TOGETHER. from Facebook Post
News articles:
Wang Leehom Has Been Under Self-Quarantine For Two Months After Getting A Fever Following Two Concerts In Wuhan Last December
Leehom Wang May Have Been Exposed to the Coronavirus Back in December